Friday, December 23, 2011

Effect on the worshipper as per Kundalini Yog

Effect on the worshipper as per Kundalini Yog

Now let us see the effect of both types of lamp on the worshipper.

  • The oil lamp generates a subtle armour of inferior quality around the worshipper while ghee lamp generates a subtle armour of superior quality.

  • The subtle frequencies emitted from the oil lamp activate the Mind-energy (Manashakti) of the worshipper whereas the subtle frequencies emanating from the ghee lamp activates soul energy of the worshipper.

According to yogic path of Kundalini Yog there are seven principle chakras or energy centers in the human being. These chakras influence practically every aspect of human being including physical body, mind and intellect. The oil lamp is effective in purification of Muladhar and Swadhishthan Chakra only to certain extent but the ghee lamp purifies Manipur and Anahat chakras to a significant extent.

Just as there are seven chakras in the human body, there are paths for the flow of vital energy (chetana). These are called as Nadis or channels. The three principle nadis are Chandra nadi (Moon channel), Surya nadi (Sun channel) and Sushumna nadi.When Chandra nadi is active the person perceives coolness. The activation of Surya nadiimparts energy to the person. The Sushumna nadi is activated when the person starts progressing spiritually. The oil lamp activates the Surya nadi of the person while ghee lamp activates only that nadi which is essential to the worshipper in a particular action.

Effect on the subtle sheaths of the worshipper

According to the science of spirituality the body which is visible to our eyes is called Annamaya Kosha or food sheath. Besides this there are four other Koshas namely Pranmaya Kosha or vital air sheath, Manomaya Kosha or the mental sheath, Vidnyanmaya Kosha or sheath of intellect and Anandmaya Kosha or bliss sheath. The Pranmaya kosha is a seat for the Pancha pranas (five vital air elements) which provides energy to the gross body. The secondManomaya kosha is the seat of emotions. The third Vidnyanmaya Kosha is the seat of intellect and the fourthAnandamaya Kosha is the seat of Soul which is of the nature of existence, consciousness and bliss (satchidananda). Even these subtle sheaths or koshas are affected by the oil or ghee lamps. The oil lamp imparts power to the raja paricles in the Pranamaya kosha which makes the individual rstless. The ghee lamp strengthens the sattva particles of Pranamaya kosha and Manomaya Kosha and as a result of this the jiva (individual, embodied soul) becomes peaceful,stable and happy.

Spiritual experience imparted by oil and ghee lamps

Now let us compare the spiritual experiences obtained due to oil and ghee lamps. But before that let us understand what we mean by Spiritual experience or Anubhuti. We are used to appreciate this world through the media of five sense organs namely nose, ears, eyes, tongue, skin , mind and intellect. This is known as experience. But when we experience something without the participation of all these then it is known as spiritual experience. Now let us compare the spiritual experiences obtained due to oil and ghee lamps. The oil lamp gives us spiritual experience ofPruthvi tattva (absolute earth element) and Aap tattva (absolute water element). For example if we get an experience of fragrance without the actual presence of an object which can impart such fragrance then it is a spiritual experience of Subtle fragrance or gandha. The fragrance is related to Pruthvi tattva. The example of spiritual experience of Aap tattva is dwelling sweet taste in the mouth.

When we see subtle light or vision of a deity then it is an example of spiritual experience related to Tej tattva or absolute fire element. When we experience a feeling of touch without any external reason then it is a spiritual experience related to Vayu tattva or absolute air element. The ghee lamp gives spiritual experience of Tej tatva andVayu tattva to the worshipper.

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